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Toowoomba Christian Fellowship is a vibrant local church located on the north side of Toowoomba. We are a fellowship of individuals and families, who live, work and relate in our local community and gather together every Sunday for our communion service.

Strengthening faith

As a local church, our program is crafted to facilitate the ministry of Christ's life to every person, and all ages. We regularly meet to participate in these programmes, which includes the communion service, Bible studies, baptisms and also specific meetings for children, teenagers, youth, seniors, men and women.

We also enjoy opportunities to meet in our homes to pray, share about our Christian lives and study the Bible together. Throughout the year we host larger gatherings of Christians from across our region. These events include Easter and the National Bible Seminar.

Supporting relationships

We enjoy true friendship across all ages and endeavour to give dignity to every person. We care for one another in practical ways, particularly in times of stress or need. We value family life and know that the Christian gospel is able to establish and strengthen family relationships when we love God and value Him above all else in our lives. We aim to meet, support, encourage and care for everyone with whom we come in contact. This is the motivation of the love of God that is poured into our heart by the Holy Spirit.

We are cared for by a presbytery who craft, lead and then participate in the church programme with us. This programme includes teaching, music, hospitality, care of special needs, building maintenance and general administration.

Establishing connections

Toowoomba Christian Fellowship maintains strong and vital relationships with many other Australian churches. We also maintain fellowship with international churches in Singapore, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. We believe that God is bringing together His church, the body of Christ, by joining Christian believers together in fellowship. We know that God is working to restore our lives – as individuals, families and congregations.

We warmly invite and welcome you to come and participate in the life we are receiving from Jesus Christ. 

The agape meal

Each Sunday we gather together to participate in what the Scriptures call the agape meal, or love feast . Jude 1:12. This public gathering is an opportunity to hear and receive the word of God; to fellowship in one Spirit as members of the body of Christ; to participate in prayer, singing and worship; and to share with one another over morning tea.


Our meeting commences at 9:30am with a time of singing, worship and body ministry. From 10:30am-11:30am, the word of God continues to be ministered through a preached message or study.

At 11:30am we congregate around tables, in groups of 2-3 households, to share testimony with one another as we partake of morning tea together. If you have come without morning tea, please join yourself to a group. There is always plenty to share!


An important part of fellowship is worshipping the Lord together. Jesus said, ‘But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.’ Joh 4:23-24. Worship is giving genuine worth to another. It is a fellowship of giving and receiving. We are giving worth to God and to each other.


As we gather together by faith, and are led by the Holy Spirit, He leads the worship so that it is real and not based on what suits us. Tradition and innovation war against true worship because they are based on what we get out of experience. Part of our worship is singing in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit grants to every individual a unique melody that is in perfect harmony with all the other voices. The words will be in tongues or in our native language. Often, the Holy Spirit will move several people to bring specific spontaneous songs in English that will be praise, thanksgiving, edification, exhortation or consolation. Most of the known songs we sing together have been written based on the word that the Lord is revealing among us. These are what the Scriptures call psalms and hymns. The apostle Paul taught, ‘Do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in the fear of God.’ Eph 5:18-21.

During our time of worship, we wait on the Holy Spirit for the spiritual gifts that He gives to the members of the body of Christ to minister to one another for edification, exhortation and comfort. 1Co 12. 1Co 14:3. They address our present situations and equip us with grace for our life as Christians in the week to come.

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